Puffin Tales: A Day on Mykines

Welcome to the charming world of Mykines in the Faroe Islands, where the skies come alive with the whimsical flight of puffins. In this endearing photo series, I follow these delightful birds on their daily adventures, providing a glimpse into their captivating lives.

Puffins, with their comical appearance and distinctive beaks, are truly a marvel of nature. Known for their adorable clumsiness when flying, they often crash land, creating moments of both humor and awe. Yet, it's their unique charm that endears them to all who visit Mykines.

These remarkable birds are more than just cute faces; they are devoted partners, often mating for life. In this series, we'll witness the heartwarming moments of a puffin couple enjoying quality time at their nest, showcasing the depth of their lifelong bond.

But puffins are also seasonal stars, gracing Mykines with their presence only during specific times of the year. As you explore these photographs, you'll gain a deeper appreciation for the privilege of observing these wonderful creatures during their sojourn on the island.

Join me as I delve into the enchanting world of Mykines' puffins, where their endearing quirks, steadfast partnerships, and seasonal visits combine to create a heartwarming story of life on this picturesque island.

xoxo @thefidgetysuitcase

